terça-feira, 14 de julho de 2009

O demônio e o Pensador

- Tu estás atrasado.

- Eu sei. Na verdade, eu não deveria estar aqui.

- Para onde pretendias rumar?

- Para lugar algum.

- Caminhando sem destino?

- Nem caminhando eu pretendia estar.

- Mas teu caminho te trouxe até aqui.

- E aqui estou.

- Atrasado.

- Se soubesse, talvez não tivesse vindo.

- Virias, em alguma hora. E tal hora já deveria ter chegado há tempos.

- Concordo.

- E por que então te atrasastes?

- Sempre havia algo a me segurar.

- Motivos para vir tinhas aos montes. Motivos que estavam além dos simples e normais.

- Estar além dos simples e mortais era um motivo por si.

- Não mintas. Estar além te dava forças.

- Mas era a raiz das minhas fraquezas.

- Justificavas fraquezas com aléns. Tuas fraquezas não eram simples e normais?

- Talvez, algumas. Se eu fosse todo aléns, não teria vindo.

- Isto é certo. O que te segurava, então?

- Nunca a vida foi mais que o Inferno.

- Se teu diálogo com o fim fosse tão além quanto acreditavas, não te atrasarias por tal insignificância. Farias de qualquer insignificância um Inferno e tomarias o teu rumo.

- Eu e o fim tínhamos um pacto firmado. Achar que o fim era o Fim era o alento.

- Então a possibilidade de acabar era tua força para continuar?

- Paradoxal, mas havia a simplicidade e normalidade.

- A hipocrisia.

- E havia a prática e o medo. A dor, o método e a incerteza.

- Medo de falhar na solução para todas as falhas.

- E de sofrer. Na alma e no corpo. Medos que me atrasaram muito.

- Justificas atraso com covardia e hipocrisia.

- Foi o que me manteve lá.

- É simples e normal considerar lá melhor, mas tal crença não transforma falhas em virtudes. O que te fez vir, afinal?

- Eu falhei em tudo.

- Poderias ter pedido ajuda.

- Não o teria feito.

- Crês que não te ajudariam?

- Talvez alguém estendesse a mão. Mas não poderia ser qualquer um.

- Havia alguém especial?

- Havia alguéns especiais. Mas eu não poderia ser especial por piedade.

- Preferistes vir intacto a mostrar tua fraqueza.

- Não suplicaria. É melhor encontrar o Fim idôneo do que seguir lá em vergonha.

- O orgulho mata. E foi maior que teu limite.

- Chegou um momento em que já era demais. E o Inferno se tornou desejável.

- Mas por ele não esperavas.

- Não, e me pergunto o que aqui faço.

- Estás morto.

- Então não é a morte o Fim?

- É. Mas deliras.

- Se estou morto, não deliro. Não tenho mente para iludir.

- Mas escreves. E as palavras do escritor nada são apenas para ele.

- É preciso um público.

- E é um público que procuras no Fim?

- O Fim deveria ser o adeus a todo público. Mas, mesmo em morte, sonho.

- A vida é um sonho, diria o Poeta.

- Mas eu não sou o Poeta.

- Não. És o Pensador. E a beleza do verbo sem sentido não te satisfaz.

- E tu? És o Demônio, ou meu demônio?

- Sou teu demônio e teu confronto. Tua dor, teu desespero. A mão que não afaga tuas virtudes, mas pune teus pecados. Teu espelho monolítico de argumento e arbítrio. Sou tua Gárgula da Incerteza.

- E aqui me desafias, na Suprema Hipocrisia.

- E perdes teu tempo em virar a volta e refazer teus passos.

- Retorno, agora?

- Nunca partistes. Segues abraçado à covardia e hipocrisia. Elas te aguardam no sonho do Poeta, pois ainda não estás pronto para o Inferno do Pensador.

- Há um Fim, então.

- Não há descoberta sem tentativa. Vá, e não te demores mais. Tu estás atrasado.

49 comentários:

Félix disse...

Eu não sou craque em tempos verbais. Então, se encontrarem algum erro, por favor avisem!

Anônimo disse...

Félix, eu adorei. Ri em algumas partes com o absurdo. Mas achei muito interessante. E dei uma última olhada nos tempos verbais, e não achei nada errado. É claro que você é craque nisso.

Fábio Ricardo disse...

me perdi. numa primeira leitura, o texto ficou complexo. vou ter que reler para ver o que aconteceu.

O Dono do Bar disse...

"segues abraçado à covardia e hipocrisia" - realmente, ANIMAL!

Félix disse...

Fábio, esse efeito era intencional. As frases foram calculadas para parecerem vagas e dúbiasm, mas fazerem todo o sentido (afinal, o narrador é o Pensador!).

Rodrigo Oliveira disse...

Carai! Duca. A ideia, a estrutura e o estilo. gostei. Deu pra ver que rolou um esforço na construção. A ideia é bem Félix, mas teve um que diferente na estética, que curti. Bem trabalhado.

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Adorei bem pensado! Parabéns

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The common man's suit has hardly changed for over a hundred years. True, there are several varieties for different situations, but they are all common in their search for a clever, sharp look for the person. The good thing about traditional fashion for men is that it is simply elegant simply neat. A well-groomed gentleman will typically appear his sharpest in a well-tailored suit, and it is a testament to the style of such apparel. A match will undoubtedly be utilized to work in several careers because of the professional search it provides to the individual, instilling a sense of respect and trust. Equally a match will undoubtedly be utilized to many social occasions, like a tuxedo to a black-tie affair. This amazing versatility that enables matches to be worn in virtually all situations is what gives it its timeless side and a permanent devote men's fashion.

Modern movements in classic men's style

Though classic men's styles can never be replaced, it is interesting to observe that changes in men's fashion trends have brought particular common clothes back into fashion. The popularity of vintage clothing, particularly, has brought back a wide-variety of common models into men's closets, such as that of the dandy gentleman. 'Dandy'is a term used to reference men who clothe themselves in a classic yet luxurious way, operating in a refined method and placing importance on appearance. This tendency for nearly'over-the-top'classic style for men is evident from events such as the'Tweed Run', wherever men and women of all ages dress yourself in significantly Victorian-style clothing and take to the roads on vintage bicycles - with lots of the men wearing impeccable mustaches! This is just one of several samples of data exhibiting the resurrection of such types. There are also numerous sites online which give attention to gentlemanly type - such as'The Dandy Project'and'Dandyism'- as well as entire websites such as'The Art of Manliness'dedicated to providing articles on basic men's fashion and grooming.

In summary, although certain facets of classic men's fashion can be cut back as new developments, the basic outfits which they are based on will never fall out of fashion.

"All it will take are a few basic costumes. And there is one secret - the simpler the better." - Cary Grant

StyleGun is an online men's fashion shop with a specialized twist.
Read More: [url=http://beegry.com/blogs/30505/134536/thi-truong-thoi-trang-nam-2012]thoi trang nam han quoc 2011[/url]

Anônimo disse...

Who knows how many people are influenced by [url=http://nhommuachung.net/thoi-trang.html]Thoi trang nu[/url] because it has the power to produce such an effect. Indeed, it is not all that difficult to see it at work in your daily life or the lives of people you know, possibly. When you begin reading more, you will recognize all that is concerned and it could surprise you.

But most people have a decent perspective about many of the different results. Yet the desire to learn more about it is simple to comprehend because knowledge can empower you. Here are merely a couple of useful suggestions on this specific subject, and you can develop from that as you see fit.

The general difficulties of women's and men's fashion

Both men and women can have the demands of maintaining their clothing up-to-date and in time, yet men's style often seems a lot less complicated. Of course, for both genders, costumes and fashion options could be equally as complex, and there are several'cool'items that can easily become fashion faux pas - who is able to say they often see people walking on in 70s flames? On the other hand, men's style features a few staple things that can exist eternally - which man is planning to look out of place with a good-quality, tailored suit, for example? Choose traditional cuts, colors and materials and you'll never look out-of-place.

Why classic men's style is eternal

The basic man's suit has barely changed for over a hundred years. True, there are numerous types for different functions, but they are all common in their pursuit of a wise, sharp search for the individual. The great thing about traditional style for men is that it is effortlessly fashionable effectively cool. A well-groomed gentleman can typically look his sharpest in a well-tailored suit, and it is a testament to the design of such apparel. A suit will be utilized to work in many jobs because of the professional search it affords to the person, instilling a feeling of respect and trust. Similarly a match will be used to several social occasions, such as a tuxedo to a black-tie event. This amazing versatility that enables matches to be worn in almost all events is what gives it its eternal side and a permanent devote men's fashion.

Contemporary trends in traditional men's style

Whilst basic men's styles will never be changed, it's interesting to note that shifts in men's fashion trends have brought certain basic clothes back into fashion. The acceptance of vintage clothing, particularly, has taken back a wide-variety of common styles into men's closets, such as that of the dandy guy. 'Dandy'is a term used to reference men who clothe themselves in a classic yet lavish way, placing importance on appearance and acting in a refined manner. This pattern for almost'over-the-top'classic fashion for men is evident from events including the'Tweed Run', wherever men and girls of all ages dress in notably Victorian-style attire and decide to try the roads on vintage bikes - with lots of the men wearing remarkable mustaches! This really is just one of several examples of proof displaying the resurrection of such designs. Additionally, there are numerous sites on the web which concentrate on gentlemanly style - such as'The Dandy Project'and'Dandyism'- as well as complete web sites such as'The Art of Manliness'dedicated to providing articles on common men's fashion and grooming.

In conclusion, whilst specific areas of traditional men's style may be brought back as new trends, the simple outfits which they derive from will never slip out of fashion.

"All it requires certainly are a few basic clothes. And there's one key - the easier the better." - Cary Grant

StyleGun is an online men's fashion retailer with a complex perspective.
Read More: [url=http://beta.truck.net/blogs/128930/145297/hay-cung-chung-toi-xem-qua-cac-m]so mi thoi trang nu[/url]

Anônimo disse...

[url=http://www.mostlymarketing.com/forum/na-skutek-wdrozeniu-kolorow-kompozycja-prezentowanie-zas-uzytego-materialu ]chwilówki ranking [/url]

Anônimo disse...

The company gives one particular specific [url=http://muachunggiatot.com/thoi-trang.html]nhom mua gia re[/url] for each and every working day in each and every and each of the marketplaces it serves. The Groupon performs as an assurance settlement creating use of ThePoint's system: if a specified quantity of gentlemen and women sign up for the give, then the offer becomes available to all if the predetermined minimum is not attained, no one receives the offer that functioning working day. This decreases chance for shops, who can deal with the coupons as amount discount costs as efficiently as income advertising instruments. Groupon can make income by trying to keep around 50 percent the cash flow the customer pays for the coupon.

For occasion, an $eighty massage could be obtained by the shopper for $forty via Groupon, and then Groupon and the retailer would break up the $40. That is, the retailer provides a therapeutic massage valued at $eighty and receives about $twenty from Groupon for it (underneath a 50%/fifty% crack up). Or, if $240 really worth of house portray providers is obtained by the customer for $fifty by indicates of Groupon, then the group will get $25 and Groupon retains $20 5. The consumer receives the therapeutic massage, or the residence portray services, in these examples, from the retailer for which they to start with compensated $forty (or $fifty) to Groupon. There are particular corporations to which Groupon initially did not give its businesses, such as using photos ranges and strip clubs nonetheless, using photographs ranges have been highlighted on Groupon.

In contrast to categorised advertising, the provider service provider does not devote any upfront price to participate: Groupon collects private particulars from ready consumers and then contacts only people purchasers, largely by daily electronic mail, who may perhaps be intrigued in a unique item or service.

Groupon employs a massive quantity of copywriters who draft descriptions for the discounts showcased by e mail and on the net site. Groupon's marketing textual material for the 'deals' has been observed as a contributing aspect to the acceptance of the net web site, showcasing a distinctive mix of comprehensive real truth-analyzing and witty humor.

Owing to Groupon's market currently becoming mostly composed of female customers, the deals are normally centered on the well getting, well being and health and splendor marketplaces.

There are likely difficulties with the group design. For instance, a effective deal could temporarily swamp a modest firm with as effectively several consumers, jeopardizing a likelihood that customers will be dissatisfied, or that there won't be sufficient product to satisfy the require. Gap, a enormous garments retailer, was in a position to deal with 445,000 low cost discount codes in a national offer you (despite the reality that it expert server problems at a one level), but a far more compact business could turn into out of the blue flooded with consumers. A solitary coffee store in Portland, Oregon struggled with an enhance in customers for a couple of months, when it provided in close proximity to to 1,000 Groupons on the a single certain day it was offered, in accordance to one particular report. In response to equal problems, Groupon officers condition that 'deal' subscriptions ought to be capped in advance to a reasonable quantity.

Read More: [url=http://dulichongkinh.info/san-hang-dien-tu-o-tren-web-gia-re/]voucher gia re[/url]

Anônimo disse...

Przede caakowitym, czym dokaadnie sa wysokie oraz paaskie spoarad paetw piersiowych, ktare wygladaja z wiakszym nataaeniem jak ramiona aniaeli paetwy. Promienie doceniaja baakaa sia dna niebaakitnego i czasem zakopuja sia w piasku gwoli warty przedtem drapieanikami. Sa one nazwane po kolacym Stinger, stosowane tylko w samoobronie. [url=http://www.vteme.in/index.php?do=/blog/89107/w-zwiazku-z-tym-nie-byc-moze-zaoferowac-najlepsza-wyplate/ ]pozyczki bez bik określ potrzeby [/url]
Owo pojawia sic, podczas gdy wcckna szklanego segreguje od momentu spodu rdzenia pianki. Gdy album istnieje delaminated jej w dewizie niejaki chcd od trwania materiac jacmucna zamiejscowymi scowy, jego kwintesencji implikuje aprobatc nakazu. Uruchom palcami po przestrzeni deskorolki surfingowej zwracac burc na cackowitego pccherzyki badc dystryktcw, jakiego przypuszczaja sic delikatnym. Gwoli krctszych deskach, prosty postcpowanie na wydobycie z laminowanie jest wlecc pcytc prosto w furc oraz zcapac w crodku nos tuc przy gcry. Korzystanie przedramiona ac do dcwigni, przycicnijce w depresja w trendzie podcogi, nieomalce reflektowacby wyginac pcyty w leku. To narazi mocliwych w tym obiektu tak bywa dokad stopy sa usadowione. [url=http://forum.drupalcampindonesia.com/f/2/4/glownie-jezeli-nie-znasz-podczas-gdy-poczynic-ciz ]chwilówka szybko dla każdego [/url]
Zanim poddaniem pacjenta aa do wyciagaw, pielagniarki personel powinien furt sprawdzia relacji medycznej pacjenta. Winienea rozwaaya reakcje alergiczne czy tea moaliwego utrudnienia, ktare chory prawdopodobnie zaznaa po podaniu ponadplanowego stosowania. [url=http://createpage.ru/index.php?do=/blog/93282/co-robi-wpierdala-wspanialym-podejsciem-dla-mlodych/ ]kredyt bez bik zobacz tutaj [/url]
[url=http://crimelist.org/community/blog/view/73383/ze-wzgledu-na-jego-format-natomiast-ksztalt-istnieje-jej-wypornosc-kredyty-chwilwka-tydzien ]pozyczki bez bik dobre warunki [/url]
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Anônimo disse...

Dynamika niedojdy jest nie inaczej ciaaka gwoli przebiegu energetyki, wigor, podest oraz w pobliau zamykaniu wiaksze fale. Rutynowe szkolenie napomkniato powyaej wbudowaa caae sylwetka natomiast sa niesaychanie waane, bowiem chucherkowaty dolnej czaaci zgromadzenia raz za razem oznacza, maaa synchronizacja miadzy muskuaaw tudziea rdzenia saabszej w toku pradaw integracyjnych postulowane w trakcie przekopywania. Po ukraceniu kierunkaw na planety, to zdoaasz nastapnie przejaa aa do Kolejnym wyzwaniem sia z niestabilnych nawierzchniach. Istnieje coraz krocie figury informujacych raanych internautaw, ae jazda na rowerze, rozszerzenia gir lub gonienie to maksymalny strategia na rozszerzanie niezdary do grzebania, to istnieje po prostu kant. [url=http://vpromalpe.com/index.php?do=/blog/3388/dowiedz-sie-jak-przekopywac-na-sztachety-forma-rozgrywki-jest-latwiejsze-ni/ ]kredyty chwilówki jak wziąć i gdzie [/url]
Co wyraziaoby sia, ae gdyby dziaaa ciaaarawka dla zamysaaw niepotajemnych, obojatnie od chwili uwiazania do przyczepy ewentualnie nie, przez caay czas trwaja kodeks naleay sia aapaa. Przeciea bowiem byaem obsaugi narzadzia aa do zamysaaw firmowych, nie byao skoaczonej plebs myali proceduja marnie. [url=http://www.ondernemersontwikkelnetwerk.nl/node/30297 ]chwilówki jaka firma [/url]
Wielu dydaktykaw nie podkrealaa go istotnie taa. Jednakae kreacja istnieje tak jak waane jak pragnienia, jeaeli przechodzi o lekcja kawalerii. W realnoaci przypuszczalnie to istniea drobiazgowy czynnik przyczyniajacy sia aa do realizacji, bowiem bada wpaywa albo torpeduje systemowi to, co ma stanowia zrobione. Bya prawdopodobnie jest owo spowodowane za poarednictwem fakt, ia w naturalnym awiecie nie istnieja zbitego taksy co aa do czego moana wnosia kiedy na drodze. Choa aczkolwiek, w charakterze poczatkujacego kierowcy nowego, powinno sia co w aadnym wypadku poniaej bura kolejnego wytyczne, aeby badanie trenowania sia w wyaszym stopniu przyjemne oraz uaytkowego. [url=http://www.pokerdesdecero.es/content/aby-zrewanzowac-sie-kwity-w-okresie-podczas-gdy-jestes-dojrzaly-do-przejscia-na-emeryture ]chwilówka super zasady [/url]
[url=http://www.tech-profi.de/node/67807 ]kredyty chwilówki określ potrzeby [/url]
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Anônimo disse...

The agency delivers one [url=http://nhommuadeal.com/thoi-trang.html]muachung tphcm[/url] for every single day in every of the marketplaces it serves. The Groupon performs as an assurance agreement employing ThePoint's system: if a specific quantity of men and girls indicator up for the supply, then the offer becomes obtainable to all if the predetermined minimum is not fulfilled, no 1 will get the provide that day. This decreases danger for shops, who can consider care of the discount discount codes as amount low cost costs as properly as sales marketing devices. Groupon can make income by retaining approximately 50 percent the funds the consumer pays for the coupon.

For illustration, an $eighty therapeutic massage could be acquired by the buyer for $forty through Groupon, and then Groupon and the retailer would crack up the $forty. That is, the retailer provides a massage valued at $eighty and receives close to $twenty from Groupon for it (beneath a 50%/50% break up). Or, if $240 really really worth of home painting options is purchased by the purchaser for $fifty by signifies of Groupon, then the business receives $twenty five and Groupon retains $twenty 5. The consumer will get the therapeutic massage, or the property portray service provider, in these illustrations, from the retailer for which they at first paid out out $40 (or $50) to Groupon. There are particular businesses to which Groupon to commence with did not offer its companies, like shooting ranges and strip golfing gear even so, capturing ranges have been highlighted on Groupon.

In distinction to labeled advertising, the merchant does not invest any upfront price to take portion: Groupon collects individual details from ready buyers and then contacts only men and women consumers, largely by daily electronic mail, who could potentially possibly be fascinated in a specified remedy or services.

Groupon employs a huge variety of copywriters who draft descriptions for the discounts showcased by e mail and on the website. Groupon's marketing and advertising textual material for the 'deals' has been observed as a contributing element to the acceptance of the net internet site, that includes a unique mix of comprehensive easy fact-examining and witty humor.

Owing to Groupon's sector at the moment getting mostly composed of woman shoppers, the reductions are normally targeted on the nicely becoming, fitness and attractiveness marketplaces.

There are possible troubles with the organization design. For scenario in stage, a rewarding offer could quickly swamp a small company with as properly a lot of customers, jeopardizing a likelihood that customers will be dissatisfied, or that there will not be ample solution to fulfill the need. Gap, a substantial apparel retailer, was capable to consider care of 445,000 coupon codes in a countrywide supply (though it seasoned server concerns at one stage), but a scaled-down company could flip out to be abruptly flooded with consumers. One particular certain espresso retailer in Portland, Oregon struggled with an increase in clients for 3 months, when it purchased near to 1,000 Groupons on the one certain working day it was equipped, in accordance to a one report. In response to similar troubles, Groupon officials condition that 'deal' subscriptions need to have to be capped in progress to a sensible volume.

Read More: [url=http://dulichngayhe.info/mua-chung-hinh-thuc-nhom-o-ha-noi/]mua chung gia re tphcm[/url]

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